Work Index Previous: 8 – The Democracy of the Future
AZEVEDO, Andrea., et al. – Panorama Sobre o Desmatamento na Amazônia em 2016 (Overview of the Amazonian Deforestation in 2016). IPAM, Brasília, DF, Brasil. 2016.
BACON, Francis – Novum Organum (or, True Directions for the Interpretation of Nature); The Proficience and Advancement of Learning; and The New Atlantis. In Essays Civil and Moral by Francis Bacon. London, Ward Lock & Co Limited, 1910. 493 pp.
BESANT, Annie – Brotherhood Applied To Social Conditions, in The Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students. London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, pp. 333, [pp. 75-102], 1910.
BESANT, Annie. Man and His Bodies. Adyar, Theosophical Publishing House, 1990. 117 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students. London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. 333 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Ideals of Theosophy. (Convention Lectures, 1911). Adyar, Madras (Chennai), The Theosophist Office, 1912. 130 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Spiritual Life (Vol. II). London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912. 296 pp.
BESANT, Annie. Man and His Bodies. Adyar, Theosophical Publishing House, 1990. 117 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Changing World and Lectures to Theosophical Students. London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1910. 333 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Ideals of Theosophy. (Convention Lectures, 1911). Adyar, Madras (Chennai), The Theosophist Office, 1912. 130 pp.
BESANT, Annie – The Spiritual Life (Vol. II). London, The Theosophical Publishing Society, 1912. 296 pp.
BOBBIO, Norberto et al. – Dicionário de Política (Political Dictionary). Brasília, Universidade de Brasília, 1986. 1290 pp.
BOBBIO, Norberto. O Futuro da Democracia: Uma Defesa das Regras do Jogo (The Future of Democracy: A Defense of the Rules of the Game). Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1986. 171 pp.
CAPRA, Fritjof – The Tao of Physics. New York, Bantam Books, 1977. 332 pp.
CONVERSE, Philip E. – The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics. Em: APTER, D. E., org. Ideology and Discontent. New York, The Free Press of Glencoe, 1964. pp. 206-261.
CONVERSE, Philip E. – Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour. Em: GREENSTEIN, F. I. – Handbook of Political Science, vol. 4, Reading, Massachusetts, 1975. pp. 75-169.
CONVERSE, Philip e PIERCE, Roy – Political Representation in France. Harvard University Press, 1986. 1040 pp.
CONVERSE, Philip E. et al. – The American Voter. New York, Wiley, 1960. 576 pp.
CONVERSE, Philip E. – Public Opinion and Voting Behaviour. Em: GREENSTEIN, F. I. – Handbook of Political Science, vol. 4, Reading, Massachusetts, 1975. pp. 75-169.
CONVERSE, Philip e PIERCE, Roy – Political Representation in France. Harvard University Press, 1986. 1040 pp.
CONVERSE, Philip E. et al. – The American Voter. New York, Wiley, 1960. 576 pp.
DAS, Bhagavan – The Science of Social Organization, or, The Laws of Manu in the Light of Atma-Vidya. Three volumes. Vol. I (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Adyar, TPH, 1932. 1-394 pp.); Vol. II (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Adyar, TPH, 1935. 395-681 pp.); Vol. III (Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Varanasi, Ananda Publishing House, 1948. 743-1225 pp.)
DE CEW Jr, Judson M. – Political Experience and Electoral Politics in Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, 1945-1974. The University of Connecticut, 1977. 563 pp. PhD Diss. Political Science.
DUVERGER, Maurice – As Modernas Tecnodemocracias: Poder Econômico e Poder Politico (The Modern Techno Democracies: Economical Power and Political Power). Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1975. 245 pp.
DUVERGER, Maurice – Political Parties. Hoboken (NJ), USA, 1959. 350 pp.
DUVERGER, Maurice – Political Parties. Hoboken (NJ), USA, 1959. 350 pp.
FEERNSIDE, Philip M. – Desmatamento na Amazônia Brasileira: Com Que Intensidade Vem Ocorrendo? – Acta Amazonica (Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Forest) vol.12 no. 3, Manaus, Jul/Set. 1982 (English original version: Interciencia, 7 (2): 82-88, 1982)
FERREIRA, Aurélio B. de Holanda – Novo Dicionário Aurélio da Língua Portuguesa (New Dictionary of the Portuguese Language). Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 1986. 1838 pp.
FURTADO, Celso – A Hegemonia dos Estados Unidos e o Subdesenvolvimento da América Latina (The Hegemony of the United States and the Underdevelopment of Latin America). Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 1975. 192 pp.
GAER, Joseph – The Wisdom of the Living Religions. New York, Dodd, Mead & Company, 1956. 338 pp.
GUERREIRO RAMOS, Alberto – A Nova Ciência das Organizações (A New Science of the Organizations). Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1981. 209 pp.
HUBERMAN, Leo – Man’s Worldly Goods: The Story of the Wealth of Nations. New York, Monthly Review Press, 2009. 348 pp.
KINGSFORD, Anna B. – Clothed with the Sun: Being the Illuminations of Anna Bonus Kingsford. Edited by Edward Maitland. 3rd edition, edited by Samuel Hopgood Hart, 1937: Santa Fe, Sun Books (reprint), 1993. 210 pp.
KINGSFORD, Anna e MAITLAND, Edward – The Perfect Way; or, the Finding of Christ. 5th edition, edited, with additions and long Preface, by Samuel Hopgood Hart: London, John M. Watkins, 1923. 405 pp.
MACPHERSON, C.B. – The Life and Times of Liberal Democracy. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1979. 119 pp.
MACPHERSON, C.B. – A Teoria Política do Individualismo Possessivo, de Hobbes até Locke. (Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, from Hobbes to Locke). São Paulo, Paz e Terra, 1979. 318 pp.
MACPHERSON, C.B. – A Teoria Política do Individualismo Possessivo, de Hobbes até Locke. (Political Theory of Possessive Individualism, from Hobbes to Locke). São Paulo, Paz e Terra, 1979. 318 pp.
MATOS, Judson Magno da Silva, et al. – Avaliação da Evolução do Desmatamento em Assentamentos do Incra a Partir dos Dados do Prodes e Deter para os Anos 1997-2010 (Assessment of the Evolution of Deforestation: 1997-2010). INCRA, Brasília, DF. Published in Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 2011. INPE p. 5833-5840.
MEHTA, Rohit – The New World of Socialism (A Constructive Philosophical Survey). Adyar, TPH, 2nd edition, 1952. 215 pp.
MORE, Thomas – Utopia. The Project Gutenberg (eBook). Free online copy.
MOSCA, G. e BOUTHOUL, G. – História das Doutrinas Políticas (History of the Political Doctrines). Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1962. 416 pp.
PLATO – The Republic. The Project Gutenberg (eBook), translated by Benjamin Jowett. Free online copy.
SCHUMACHER, E.F. – Small Is Beatiful. London, Abacus, 1973. 255 pp.
SCHUMACHER, E.F. – A Guide for the Perplexed. London, Jonathan Cape, 1978. 166 pp.
SCHUMACHER, E.F. – A Guide for the Perplexed. London, Jonathan Cape, 1978. 166 pp.
SISSON Filho, Arnaldo – A Consciência Política na Massa e as Eleições de 1982 em Porto Alegre (Political Consciousness in Mass Publics and the 1982 Elections in Porto Alegre). UFRGS, 1984. 159 pp. M.A. Dissertation, Political Science.
SISSON Filho, Arnaldo – O Resgate do Cristianismo Budista: A Relevância da Mensagem da Dra. Anna Kingsford (The Recover of Buddhist Christianity: The Relevance of the Message of Dr. Anna Kingsford). Brasília, Coleção Roda e Cruz, 2010. 164 pp.
SISSON Filho, Arnaldo – A Roda e a Cruz: Uma Introdução ao Cristianismo Budista (The Wheel and the Cross: An Introduction to Buddhist Christianity). Chapter 6.2 – Religião e Organização Sociopolítica, (Religion and Sociopolitical Organization); pp. 217-239. Brasília, Coleção Roda e Cruz, 2012. 369 pp.
SRI RAM, N. – On the Watch Tower. Adyar, TPH, 1966. 585 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. – Gayatri. Adyar, TPH, 1978. 213 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. – Man, God and the Universe. Adyar, TPH, 1969. 299 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. – Science and Occultism. Adyar, TPH, 1974. 330 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. – Man, God and the Universe. Adyar, TPH, 1969. 299 pp.
TAIMNI, Iqbal K. – Science and Occultism. Adyar, TPH, 1974. 330 pp.
WEBER, Max – The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Published: Unwin Hyman, London & Boston, 1930.
WILHEIM, Richard – I Ching: the Book of Changes. New York, Pantheon Books, 1952. 395 pp.